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SEMINAR 2024-25 KICKOFF: 26 February 9:30 @ Chiesa di Santa Verdiana

If you are interested, please, apply  using the below ‘Enrollment’ section of this page.

Info about  students selected, and detailed Class Schedule will be communicated on the kickoff class



Now availabe in the Videos, Tutorials and Books  section of this page

– Aug 2024 New release of the Class Manual DEEP FRAMES  is out! <LINK>

Read it to improve your video generation process


Automatic 1111 with Deforum <LINK>
Deforum extension only <LINK>

– ASSIGNMENT STORY BOARD. Get the guide, procedures, and date to discuss it at this LINK



              INFO & RESOURCES



View Synonyms and Definitions

In order to enter the seminar students are required submit a short CV mainly related to the topic of the seminar.

The CV, in .pdf web format, must be sent  before February 2025 to this LINK  




For iCAD students the first module of the seminar represents a compulsory assignment of the Environmental Class 2024-25 and, as a matter of fact, no application is required.

All other students are required to








Exploring AI Environmental Design

An architectural investigation upon eco-disaster & digital dreams





Prof. Giuseppe Ridolfi

Assistants and Adjunct Lecturers: arch PhD Arman Saberi, dott. Arber Marra, dott. Adriano Serra


The thematic seminar investigates the relationship between environmental conditions and design perspectives opened by the advent of artificial intelligence through radical research methodologies based on speculative fabulation applied to architectural figurations capable of acting as experiential objects for a critical reflection beyond the dualism man/environment and techne /nature .

Articulation and Credits  The seminar takes place in two teaching modules with the assignment of corresponding training credits as listed below:

First Module: Critical Research, Story Telling & Design Visioning (4 CFU)

Second Module: Design Development, Project Communication & Exhibition (6 CFU)

The contents of each module is specified in the CLASS CALENDAR.


This seminar is open to students regularly enrolled in the third year of the degree courses of the University of Florence. The enrollment is based on a preliminary students’ curriculum evaluation. The activation requires a minimum of 8 students.

Enrollment is also allowed for single modules in order to get the relative credits.


The seminar includes general training aimed at:

-learning the main themes of the environmental debate

-knowledge of the theoretical foundations of visual generation technologies based on artificial intelligence with particular reference to architectural and visual design

and in relation to the two teaching modules the following skills: 

first module:

-narrative writing and use of text generation tools based on artificial intelligence algorithms

-generation of images and architectural concepts based on artificial intelligence algorithms

-editorial graphics

-development of theoretical essays

second module

-video generation and architectural animations based on artificial intelligence algorithms

-three-dimensional modeling and rendering

-computer graphics animation

-non-linear video editing

-editorial graphics

-installation setup 

Methods of verification and expected

The verification takes place through intermediate evaluations aimed at evaluating the following results achieved in the different teaching modules:

-individual skills in research, critical analysis, and theoretical elaboration

-collaborative attitudes and public presentation

-skills in data and concepts graphical presentation

-originality and effectiveness of narrative communication

-skills in artificial generation of textual and visual contents

-ability in architectural sites and artifacts 3D digital modeling

-mastery of video animation and non-linear editing technologies

-mastery of image post-production technologies

-advanced digital manufacturing capabilities

-curatorial skills and aesthetic maturity

-collaborative attitudes

The evaluation of the final profit takes place in a synthetic way through a grade expressed out of thirty for each single teaching module.


The design theme of the seminar is The Big Hole Exodus, a radical settlements on the largest abandoned open-pit mines in the world


The seminar includes the following activities:

– critical-theoretical readings

– qualitative-quantitative analyzes with info-graphic and ideogrammatic representations

– collective workshops and thematic discussion tables

– narrative writing

– artificial intelligence generation of architectural images

– three-dimensional modeling and rendering

– computer graphic animations and/or digital fabrication

– non-linear video editing

– elaboration of theoretical essays

– editorial graphics

-exhibition installation


 The computational activities will be carried out with the support of the resources of the University Laboratory MAILAB | Multimedia Architecture Interaction.



FIRST MODULE AA 2024-24 (4 CFU) | Critical Research, Story Telling & Design Visioning

[Time and Location: 9:30-13:30 | Room: S. Teresa  205]

26 February | Seminar Overview. Philosophical Foundations & Course Contents |  Enrollment Procedures

05. March | Alles ist Fiktion. The Fictional Approach on Architectural Design | How to build a Character and his/her Place | Assignments #01 & #02 Guide

12. March | Class discussion Assignment #01: The Exodus Character and Place | Story Script using AI 

19 March | Artificial Image Generation. Principles and tools

26 March | Class discussion Assignment #02: Philosophical Design Statement  | Artificial Image Generation Laboratory

02 April | Final Presentation Guide | Individual Desk Review

09 April | Individual Desk Review

16 April | Final  Presentation:  Poster Exhibition & Booklet Deilvery| Credit registration

SECOND MODULE AA 2024-24 (6 CFU) | Design Development, Project Communication & Exhibition

07 May  | Second Module Overview | Deep Frames. Principles of video production | Assignment #04 Guide: The Story Board

14 May  | AI video generation. Foundations and Tools 

21 May | Assignment #05 Critique; The Story Board | AI video generation. Techniques & Procedures 

28 May | AI video generation. Individual desk review 

04 June | AI video editing & soundtracking

11 June | AI video production. Mid-term Critique

18 June | AI video Post Production

02  July | Final | Credit registration



Lecture #00 – OVERVIEW  | Settlement Dreams on the Great Pacific Garbage. Video   | LINK  

Lecture #01 – BRIEF | Post Environmental Age & Agent based Computational Design  | LINK

Lecture #02  – BRIEF | The Fictional  Approach  in Architectural Design

Lecture #03  – CONCEPT  | Imagine emergent  Creode

Lecture #04  – INCEPTION | Creating a Critical Fabulation. Scripts and storyboard

Lecture #05  – VISIONING | From stories to images using Artificial Intelligence

Lecture #06  – DEVELOPMENT | Deep frames. Video & AI   Preliminary Definition

Lecture #07  – DEVELOPMENT | AI video generation





































> Ridolfi G. 2022, ‘Landscape and ecological practice when the flood has drowned everything’, in: Gensini V.. Progetto RIVA. Suoni, immagini Racconti sul fiume, pp. 44-51, Cinesello Balsamo: Silvana Editoriale. LINK

> Ridolfi G. 2023, ‘The impact of Artificial Intelligence on Architectural Design and Human Condition’ a lecture from the Inarch Toscana Conference, Architettura verso nuovi orizzonti. La progettazione generativa, February the 7th 2023. LINK

> Ridolfi G. 2019 , ‘The Contemporary Condition of Design . A Report on Digital Mathema ’, in Mussinelli E., Lauria M., Tucci F.(editors) , La PROduzione del PROgetto, Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna LINK

> Ridolfi G., Traumnovelle 2019, Isolation and Reconnection. Ten Bridges at La Maddalena, Didapress, Firenze. LINK

> Koolhaas R.  G. 2001, ‘How to build a City. Roman Operating System’, in AA.VV. Mutations, Actar, Barcelona. LINK

> Ridolfi G., Lecture How to build a City on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. LINK

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Rephrase with Ginger (Ctrl+Alt+E)



A tutorial for beginner guiding installation and use of Midjourney

Stable Diffusion Automatic 1111 Webui  Installation. Full guide 

Install & Run Deforum Stable Diffusion to use ONLINE in the Google Colab Server


How to create Text-to-Videos using the Stable Diffusion’s Deforum extension on the ONLINE platform Replicate.com

How to use Stable Diffusion & its  extensions including Deforum in the cloud service of RunDiffusion

How to work with Stable Diffusion and its extensions like Deforum in a professional pod server such as RunPod. The platform offers the opportunity to work with  many other  models of Stable Diffusion customized by the community like the famous visual script interface ComfyUI


A tutorial explaining how to create in Stable Diffusion’s Deforum extension a video animation from a still image using 3D camera motion and how to finalized it on a non linear video editor

An example of Video Generation Using ControlNet & Init Image In Stable Diffusion

A tutorial explaining how to generate video soundtrack and voice-over using AI software and how to add automatic subtitling.


Settlment Dreams on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch


A Research about the colonization of the The Pacific Trash Vortex

by: Luciano Ligorio, Elvira Magherini, Marta Rosati, Anna Chiara Zei


More Facts