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Educational Courses
Thesis | Projects | Researches
Environmental Responsive Envelopes | WORKSHOP 2016
International Workshop “Parametric Computation and Digital Prototyping for Environmental Responsive Envelopes” @ the School of Architecture, University of Florence + Conference “Computational Design and Automated Technologies Beyond Architecture” @ Le Murate Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea, Comune di Firenze.
«The workshop is focused on the realization of a robotic scale model prototype giving students the opportunity to learn digital manufacturing process. Students will acquire principles and skills on architectural and energy modeling using a parametric approach (BIM-BEM); they will discover new applications and materials in architecture, and partecipate in the realization of an interactive multimedia system.»
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Artificial Intelligence for Design | SEMINAR
A thematic seminar investigating the relationship between environmental conditions and design perspectives opened by the advent of Artificial Intelligence through radical research methodologies based on Speculative Fabulation and Object Oriented Ontology for a critical reflection beyond the dualism man/environment and techne /nature . State-of-the-art software for the artificial generation of images and videos will be presented in the seminar..
For information on Credits, Enrollment, and Program go to the LINK
BIM in the Early Stage Design | 2nd LEVEL MASTER

Borrowing the bipartite division of language established by J.L. Austin (1962), it is possible to recognize two different applicative thread in BIM: the first definable as Informative BIM, where modeling and information are mainly related to the automation of the project production and contract management; the second identifiable as Performative BIM where information modeling is aimed at soliciting actions. These actions can be ascribed to the exploratory and simulation activities typical of the ideational phases with effects on the quality of the work and effectiveness of the choices since they can be implemented with greater availability of information or with greater “contextawareness”.
Starting from this assumption, this teaching module focuses on the use of BIM for the design definition in the early stage of the building process. Topics of the teaching module are:
– the dynamic definition of the building program and the evaluation of the efficiency of the lay-out;
– the evaluation of design alternatives at the level of conceptual masses based on the evaluation of energy performance;
– the optimization of transparent closures through the evaluation and balancing between daylight comfort and energy consumption
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Architectural Form Manufacturing

The course is a fab-lab workshop to explore new technologies and related opportunities derived from digital computation and industrial automatic production in conceiving, designing and producing architecture.
The course gives a preliminary introduction to industrial design in architecture and an overview about the workflow between computational design, building modeling and computer programmable devices for architectural constructions.
The topic is «Form manufacturing» in which students are asked to study forms and model materials to feed automatic manufacturing in order to fabricate, at their own choice, structures, components and elements of buildings. Emphasis will be upon the use of 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD), and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) related to the technologies of laser cutting, 3D printing, rapid prototyping and reverse engineering.
Now active for Architecture and Structure Design Lab @ ICAD–International Course On Architectural Design, University of Florence. | only members login |
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Environmental Design

Based on parametric computational modeling and dynamic performance simulation these classes address the application of appropriate materials, smart technologies and architectural solutions to build a sustainable environment. Introductory lectures will cover fundamental concepts and criteria of comfortable outdoor/indoor space for living, sustainability and bioclimatic design, renewable energy and energy conservation, Life Cycle Costing, ecolabels and international metric assessment on green buildings. Lectures will be integrated by presentation and discussion of case studies and best practices of historic and contemporary examples of various sustainability features to give students awareness of the most effective solutions to be applied in designing. The verification of knowledge will be carried out through design exercises guided and assisted by the teacher. The design activities will be carried out as a fab-lab developed through in-class design assignments, case-study analysis, and assisted baseline exercises involving use of state of the art architectural modeling, energy simulation/assessment software, and CNC prototyping technology as well.
For this purpose the class will include a basic training on these tools and their application to support the design decision-making process.
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AA 2024-25
Laboratorio di Progettazione Ambientale@ Scuola di Architettura, Università degli Studi di Firenze | members’ login
AA 2023-24
Environmental Design Lab @ ICAD–International Master Course on Architectural Design, University of Florence.| members’ login
AA 2023-24
Laboratorio di Progettazione Ambientale @ Scuola di Architettura di Firenze – Università Cattolica di Tirana |members’ login
AA 2023-24
Laboratorio di Progettazione Ambientale @ Scuola di Architettura, Università degli Studi di Firenze |members’ login
AA 2022-23
Laboratorio di Progettazione Ambientale @ Scuola di Architettura, Università degli Studi di Firenze | members’ login
AA 2021-22
Environmental Design Lab @ ICAD–International Master Course on Architectural Design, University of Florence.| members’ login
AA 2021-22
Laboratorio di Progettazione Ambientale @ Scuola di Architettura, Università degli Studi di Firenze | members’ login
AA 2020-21
Environmental Design Lab @ ICAD–International Master Course on Architectural Design, University of Florence.| members’ login
AA 2020-21
Laboratorio di Progettazione Ambientale @ Scuola di Architettura, Università degli Studi di Firenze | members’ login
AA 2019-20
Environmental Design Lab @ ICAD–International Master Course on Architectural Design, University of Florence.| members’ login
AA 2019-20
Laboratorio di Progettazione Ambientale @ Scuola di Architettura, Università degli Studi di Firenze | members’ login
AA 2018-19
Environmental Design Lab @ ICAD–International Master Course on Architectural Design, University of Florence. | members’ login |
AA 2018-19
Laboratorio di Progettazione Ambientale @ Scuola di Architettura, Università degli Studi di Firenze | members’ login
AA 2017-18
Laboratorio di Progettazione Ambientale @ Scuola di Architettura, Università degli Studi di Firenze | members’ login
AA 2017-18
Environmental Design Lab @ ICAD–International Master Course on Architectural Design, University of Florence. | members’ login |
AA 2016-17
Environmental Design Lab @ ICAD–International Master Course on Architectural Design, University of Florence. | members’ login |
Project Management and Building Information Modeling
The aim of the course is to give a basic knowledge of Project Management in building construction within the context of the EU regulatory framework and how to use BIM software (Autodesk Revit Architecture/Graphisoft Archicad 18) to support the different phases of the construction process. More in detail, the course covers information management and coordination to address the construction phase including dataset implementation of materials and building components; costs and performance benchmarks; production of integrated detailed project deliverables using international standardized procedures.
Architectural Design for Brandscaping

The course intends to prepare new professionals able to face the marketing trends that see the profitable use of architecture to promote brand and corporate image. From the “department store” to the multi-brand stores and the flagship store to the most recent “guerrilla store”, the course will aim to retrace the innovations occurring in conveying the brand strategies and to experiment with new solutions and mingling. Following examples of contaminations between fashion / architecture, fashion/art and art/communication, student will be expected to elaborate an architectural proposal consistent with a communication strategy for a selected brand in a business field at their own choice.
Robotic Architecture and Media Buildings

Topic of the course is building architectures that are able to stay in tune with both the external environmental condition changes and those of the user requirements as well as to respond to the information needs of the contemporary society of communication. From the past utopian vision to the recent realizations around the world, this course will give a preliminary overview on meaning and performance potentiality of this kind of building. Building automation, new façade materials, systems, technologies and multimedia devices, as well, will be analyzed and tested through practical design assignments. In detail, the course will cover the state of art of:
mobile and flexible architecture
interactive design and technologies for interaction
kinetic buildings
robotic in architectural building
materials and technology for adapting envelopes
lighting design
display technologies and architectural integration
media façade.
Multimediascape. From Video Projection to Generative Vjing

This course is conceived as a training workshop to design and manage the realization of video scenography in its different applications: from the more traditional video scenography to the most advanced generative performances.
The course covers the analysis of influential designers and artists and the technical implications of their works; the presentation of the state of the art of A/V hardware and software, media contents formats; the most advanced frontier in new media and cyber art where graphics and sounds are trigged and evolve in real time under parametric coding. Upon completing the workshop students will learn how to conceive and realize audio/visual live events, electronic scenography, multichannel videoprojection, architectural videomapping, real time, and interactive multimedia performances.
Now active for Comunicare l’Architettura e il Design, Seminario tematico @ School of Architecture , University of Florence. | login |
Multimediascape. Responsive Environment Art and Design

A course for students interested in acquiring knowledge, critical capacity and expertise on «sensitive environments“ design and realization: on natural and architectural spaces transformed by digital technologies and activated by «natural interfaces» such as gestures, sounds or other ambient data. Multimediascape is a computer based class, supported by theoretical lectures, tutoring and addressed to the realization of a «site-specific» installation.
Upon completing the course, the student is expected to acquire critical awareness, knowledge, methodology and skills on digital technologies, specific devices, I/O hardware, controllers and dedicated software to conceive and realize multimedia and interactive environments.
A thematic seminar investigating the relationship between environmental conditions and design perspectives opened by the advent of Artificial Intelligence through radical research methodologies based on Speculative Fabulation and Object Oriented Ontology for a critical reflection beyond the dualism man/environment and techne /nature . State-of-the-art software for the artificial generation of images and videos will be presented in the seminar.
For more information about credits, enrollment, and program got to the LINK
THESIS: Info for Thesis Application in Architectural Design
THESIS: Booklets and videos collection
RESEARCH ! Great Pacific Gabage Patch
GpGp_ Utopy
Living Colony on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
“Well, I’m in a garbage patch.” It wasn’t like an island of trash like people keep wan- ting to say. It’s just that I couldn’t survey the surface of the ocean for any period of time while standing on deck without seeing some anthropogenic debris, something that was human in origin, float by. Not necessarily a large something, but just so- mething. The signs of human civilization are everywhere in the ocean, and especially in these high-pressured gyres.
RESEARCH: High | Bombastic. Prototype for Responsive Skins
RESEARCH: School Planning & Design
Design Guide Lines, School Planning Researches, and other resources.
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RESEARCH: Spatial Analisys and Architectural Layout Optimization
Now in progress!
Performative Design and Optioneering in the Early Stage
Now in progress!
Diagrams in Architecture
Advanced Materials
Cnc Fabrication and Robotic Systems
Parametric Design
Generative Art and Interactive UIs Prototypes
Multimedia Scenography for Live Performance